Table 1 Coding issues for the translation of Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality patient safety indicators for use in the NHS
Element of Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality specificationAlternative used with Hospital Episode StatisticsIssues
ICD9CM for diagnosis codesICD10Standard ICD9 maps 1:1 to ICD10, but some ICD9CM codes do not exist in standard ICD10
ICD9 for procedure codesOPCS4Not an exact science—requires expert clinical coding; list of “operating room” procedures also needed
Diagnosis related groups, also grouped into major diagnostic categoriesHealthcare Resource GroupsNo mapping exists
Transfer from an “acute facility”Source of admissionRequires some assumptions of what types of institution could have acute facilities
Transfer to an “acute facility”Provider codeRequires linkage between admissions and a list of acute trusts
Elective procedureMethod of admissionThis is straightforward