Table 2

Comparison of training experiences of Incident Information Management System (IIMS) users with higher (n=377), static (n=924) or lower (n=362) reporting rates after implementation of IIMS*

Training experiences and incidents reportedResults of χ2 analyses comparing ‘more,’ ‘static’ and ‘fewer’ groups
(1) Undertaken IIMS trainingMoreStaticFewer
Yes329 (87.3%)814 (88.4%)306 (84.5%)
No48 (12.7%)107 (11.6%)56 (15.5%)
Total377(100%)921 (100%)362 (100%)
χ2=3.47, df 2, p=0.176
(2) Form of IIMS trainingPresentation/course215 (65.5%)527 (64.2%)196 (63.8%)
Colleague explained63 (19.2%)158 (19.2%)65 (21.2%)
Online37 (11.3%)107 (13.0%)36 (11.7%)
CD/DVD13 (4.0%)29 (3.5%)10 (3.3%)
Total328 (100%)821 (100%)307 (100%)
χ2=1.49, df 6, p=0.960
(3) ‘The training I received provided me with the skills to report an incident on IIMS’Agree strongly/agree265 (81.3%)669 (81.9%)185 (61.1%)
Neutral15 (4.6%)58 (7.1%)37 (12.2%)
Disagree strongly/disagree46 (14.1%)90 (11.0%)81 (26.7%)
Total326 (100%)817(100%)303 (100%)
χ2=62.42, df 4, p=0.000
(4) No of incidents reported on IIMS114 (5.6%)144 (22.8%)36 (16.7%)
2–5111 (44.6%)306 (48.4)%109 (50.5%)
6–1054 (21.7%)95 (15.0%)32 (14.8%)
11–2031 (12.4%)46 (7.3%)19 (8.8%)
21–50039 (15.7%)41 (6.5%)20 (9.2%)
Total249 (100%)632 (100%)216 (100%)
χ2=58.03, df 8, p=0.000
  • * Of the 1708 IIMS users, 1663 gave their post-IIMS reporting rates and are the focus of this table. Of these, three did not answer item 1. While 1449 said they undertook IIMS training (item 1), 1456 specified their type of training (item 2). Of these, 1446 rated their training (item 3). Item 4 was answered by 1187 participants, but only 1097 gave responses that were numerically classifiable.