Table 1

Terms used in the article, definitions and examples from root cause analyses reports included in the study

TermDefinitionExamples (no referring to table 3)
Root causeThe most fundamental reason for the failure or inefficiency of a process that—if eliminated—most likely would prevent the event6
Contributing factorA circumstance, action or influence which is thought to have played a part in the origin or development of an incident or to increase the risk of an incident6
Communication errorMissing or wrong information exchange or misinterpretation or misunderstanding61
Verbal communication error between staffMissing, wrong, misinterpreted or misunderstood verbal information between staff members43
Handover errorMissing, wrong, misinterpreted or misunderstood verbal information between staff members in relation to handover (for instance sign-off or transferral)23
Communication errors between staff members from different staff groupsMissing, wrong, misinterpreted or misunderstood verbal information between staff members in different staff groups (doctors, nurses, etc)32
MisunderstandingMisconception of patient information (for instance because of back ground noise, sound-alikes, language difficulties or speech impediments)26
Communication error between junior and senior staff membersMissing, wrong, misinterpreted or misunderstood verbal information between staff members at different levels28
Communication error due to hesitance to speak upSituations were staff members have concerns or possess information but hesitate or refrain from speaking up due to confusion, respect for authorities or intimidation2
Communication errors in teams with more than two membersMissing, wrong, misinterpreted or misunderstood verbal information between staff members in a group of more than two more staff members36