Table 2

Result of factor analysis: distribution of factor loadings (restricted to loadings >0.3), interpretation of factors and result of internal consistency for each dimension (Cronbach's α)

Factor 1. Teamwork climate (α=0.905)
12. Rely on each other0.801
9. Quality of team coordination0.758
13. Support from colleagues0.743
14. Respect for team members0.729
15. Constructive handling of conflicts0.624
28. Participation of whole team in decisions on procedures and tasks0.6210.354
27. Clear responsibilities0.606
10. No inhibition about asking questions0.568
26. Coordination of practice procedures0.5520.482
11. Awareness when colleagues are under excessive pressure0.5130.372
34. Timely information about events that affect my work0.4120.307
37. Team briefings about ongoing tasks in practice0.4470.5420.309
Factor 2. Error management (α=0.798)
48. Information provided on results of incident investigation0.722
46. Practice team discusses patient safety incidents0.658
47. Patient safety incidents are investigated0.649
45. Encouraged to report patient safety incidents0.645
50. Implementation of preventive actions after patient safety incidents0.4950.442
52. Importance of finding the cause, not who made the mistake0.3530.452
49. Reporting system for errors in use0.426
Factor 3. Safety of clinical processes (α=0.674)
35. Patient information flows smoothly between practice and specialists0.682
36. Important patient information available0.623
31. Management of laboratory test results0.565
33. Adherence to rules for prescribing procedures0.499
Factor 4. Perception of causes of errors (α=0.71)
62. Impact of fatigue or workload on individual performance−0.3410.699
61. Impact of hostile or tense environment on individual performance−0.3880.644
60. Impact of personal problems on individual performance0.614
59. Organisation the cause of errors0.588
56. Breakdown of information the cause of errors0.556
57. Carelessness the cause of errors0.441−0.365
Factor 5. Job satisfaction (α=0.768)
18. Importance of working in this particular practice0.720
19. Quality of practice as workplace0.3720.685
20. Job satisfaction0.3930.588
Factor 6. Safety of practice structure (α=0.552)
5. Regular maintenance of technical equipment0.566
30. Expiry dates checked regularly0.3360.515
55. Priority of patient safety in this practice0.462
6. Medical equipment appropriate0.400
Factor 7. Receptiveness to healthcare assistants and patients (α=0.639)
29. Procedures designed optimally for patients0.587
40. Patients' suggestions welcome0.483
8. Suggestions welcome from healthcare assistants0.3910.3820.415
Factor 8. Staff perception of management (α=0.753) (result of a separate factor analysis, no rotation after initial extraction, since only one component extracted)
71. Practice management considers staff interests0.849
70. Practice management fair to staff0.847
73. Model behaviour of practice management towards patients0.640
69. Feedback on individual performance provided0.613
72. Difficult to express differing opinion to practice management (reverse coded for analysis)0.588
Factor 9. Quality and safety of medical care (α=0.563) (result of a separate factor analysis, no rotation after initial extraction, since only one component extracted)
66. Patients regularly asked about drug side effects0.824
65. Control of medication plan0.739
64. Adherence to clinical guidelines0.622
  • The completely translated items are displayed in table AI.