Table 4

Standardised infection rate ratio comparing CLABSI in VA ICUs with referent rates from National Healthcare Safety Network fiscal year 2009

Observed CLABSI rates in FY2009NHSN CLABSI rates 2006–2008
ICUNHSN groupCLABSILine daysCLABSI ratePred CLABSISIRNo. of CLABSINo. of line daysCLABSI rate
Mixed LVL 1Medical surgical teaching5933 5681.7670.760.831474699 3002.11
Mixed LVL 2, 3, 4Medical surgical <157143 6831.6365.341.091130755 4371.50
MedicalMedical ICU37184 032.0142.340.872097911 4762.30
SurgicalSurgical ICU12768 9531.84158.970.801683729 9892.31
Medical CCUMed/CCU9451 1751.84102.720.92876436 4092.01
VA overall388215 7821.80440.130.88
  • LVL, level; NHSN, National Healthcare Safety Network; CLABSI, central line-associated bloodstream infections; CLABSI rate, CLABSI divided by line days multiplied by 1000; Pred CLABSI, predicted VA CLABSI rates; NHSN CLABSI rate divided by 1000 times VA line days; SIR, standardised infection rate (observed number of CLABSI divided by the predicted CLABSI).