Table 1

Classification of incident reports (N=476 incident reports)

N (% of total)N (% of subtotal)
1. Process392 (82)1.1 Contacting healthcare centre7 (2)
1.2 Administration127 (32)
1.3 Patient flow22 (6)
1.4 Triage9 (2)
1.5 Diagnostics43 (11)
1.6 Therapeutics149 (38)
1.7 Referral/handover26 (7)
1.8 Other9 (2)
2. Knowledge and skills19 (4)2.1 Wrong execution of clinical task4
2.2 Wrong diagnosis6
2.3 Wrong treatment9
3. Communication/teamwork21 (4,5)
4. Material/logistics33 (7)
5. Patient related1 (0,2)
6. Payment1 (0,2)
7. Other9 (2)
  • HC, healthcare centre; N, number of incident reports; Subtotal, number of incident reports in the group mentioned in second column.