Table 2

Central line-associated bloodstream infections and rates and practice adherence stratified by year and ICU characteristics

All VA ICUsFY2006FY2007FY2008FY2009
CLABSI infection rate3.853.182.501.80
 Line days177 058214 604216 818224 693
 CLABSI infections681683543404
 CLABSI audits782213 31513 55416 130
 Central line utilisation31.842.242.939.2
Practice adherence (began April 2006)
 Hand hygiene95.49798.298.2
 Cap worn91.695.49797.8
 Bed-sized drape88.193.795.897.1
 Chlorhexidinegluconate skin prep93.597.598.598.4
 Femoral site18.417.116.212.2
 Sterile gloves worn96.998.299.198.6
 Sterile gown worn95.89798.298.3
By level of complexity of ICU
 CLABSI infection rate (year)
  Level 13.793.142.611.80
  Level 24.373.782.422.11
  Level 33.822.892.071.40
  Level 41.961.630.641.55
 Number of line days
  Level 1132 790159 351164 321165 221
  Level 224 95229 37328 12032 758
  Level 316 76722 82121 24723 489
  Level 42549305931303225
 Number of CLABSI infections
  Level 1503501429297
  Level 21091116869
  Level 364664433
  Level 45525
 Number of audits
  Level 149198498888710 826
  Level 21349249922222575
  Level 31348190320542290
  Level 4206415391439
By type of ICU
 CLABSI infection rate (year)
  Mixed ICU3.652.822.421.68
 Number of line days
  Mixed ICU53 39370 30267 78177 251
  MICU18 39720 76421 06218 403
  SICU62 87070 54871 01068 931
  MICU/CCU36 87944 54347 99051 197
 Number of CLABSI infections
  Mixed ICU195198164130
 Number of audits
  Mixed ICU2999512848745387
  • CCU, cardiac care unit; CLABSI, central line-associated bloodstream infections; ICU, intensive care unit; level, the complexity of ICU services available; MICU, medical intensive care unit; MICU/CCU, medical intensive/cardiac care unit; SICU, surgical intensive care unit; VA, Veterans Administration.