Table 2

Intercepted incidents per part of the Surgical Patient Safety System (SURPASS) checklist (N=6313 checklists) (see appendix for detailed results)

Part of the checklistMean completion (%)Intercepted incidents (N)
 Total preoperative82.53458
  Preoperative by operating assistant71.3433
  Preoperative by ward doctor81.1578
  Preoperative by surgeon78.5293
  Preoperative by anaesthesiologist86.51010
  Preoperative by ward nurse87.81144
 Total perioperative82.9897
  Time-out procedure by surgeon, anaesthesiologist and operating assistant82.9897
 Total postoperative56.11957
  Postoperative by surgeon78.6161
  Postoperative by anaesthesiologist73.9699
  Transfer from recovery to ward by anaesthesiologist67.7225
  Discharge by ward doctor38.3256
  Discharge by ward nurse45.8616