Table 2

Observed workflow interruptions by clinical speciality and area in the hospital

Number of shift observationsSum observation timeAverage duration of shift observationAverage sum of interruptions per shift observationInterruptions per work hour
(h:min:sec)(M; SD; in h:min:sec)(M, SD)(M, SD)
(Sum)32277:42:098:40:41 (01:47:39)46.3 (21.3)5.3 (2.0)
Surgery14118:08:228:26:18 (1:41:43)36.3 (21.1)4.2 (2.0)
Internal Medicine18159:33:478:51:52 (1:53:39)54.0 (18.4)6.1 (1.6)
p(Z)0.88 (−1.52)0.02 (−2.4)0.01 (−2.66)
Ward20170:45:168:32:18 (0:31:51)41.8 (16.01)4.9 (1.9)
EW970:25:477:49:32 (2:22:16)45.2 (23.6)5.7 (2.5)
ICU*336:31:0612:10:22 (1:42:52)79.3 (22.4)6.5 (1.2)
p(Z)0.32 (−0.99)0.80 (−0.26)0.53 (−0.66)
  • * Longer standard shift duration at ICU compared to ward and EW service (12 h vs 8.5 h).

  • Only ward and EW were compared.

  • M, Mean; SD, Standard deviation; p significance level (Mann–Whitney U test); EW, Emergency Ward; ICU, Intensive Care Unit.