System | Definition against which reliability was measured | Method of data collection | Sample: total and by organisation | |
1 | Clinical information availability in hospital outpatient clinics | Core data set of information required in a typical surgical outpatient clinic*, as agreed by surgeons. 100% reliability defined as all patients having all required information available at the time of their appointment | Form completed by surgeons in clinic about missing information, including perceived risks and the action taken as a result |
2 | Prescribing for hospital inpatients |
| Prescribing errors in newly written inpatient and discharge medication orders identified and recorded by ward pharmacists. Medical admissions and surgical wards were studied. Clinical importance assessed using a validated method |
3 | Equipment availability in the operating theatre | 100% reliability defined as all operations having the required equipment available and in working condition at the time it was needed | Theatre staff collected data on equipment failures in trauma and orthopaedics, general surgery and paediatric operating theatres, including perceived delays to operation and threats to patient safety |
4 | Systems for inserting peripheral intravenous lines | 100% reliability defined as having all equipment needed to insert the intravenous line available to staff at the time required | Staff performing cannulations in accident and emergency departments and acute medical wards completed data collection forms after each procedure, including perceived threats to patient safety |
↵* Past medical history; referral or other specialty letter; discharge summary; current medication; allergies; radiology/imaging results; diagnostic test results; procedure notes/anaesthetic record; electrocardiogram report; blood laboratory results; outpatient medical record/last clinic letter.