Author | Year | Country | Type of study | Study period (mos) | ICU type | Total no of deaths | No of autopsies analysed | No of missed diagnoses | Disease or diagnosis |
deHemptinne38 | 2009 | Belgium | Retrospective | 36 | Med/surg | 169 | 64 | 15 | ARDS only |
Du39 | 1996 | China | Retrospective | 492 | Surg | Not given | 3447 | 80 | Fungal only |
Hasani40 | 2005 | Iran | Prospective | 12 | Mixed | Not given | 43 | 2 | Meningitis only |
Janson41 | 1976 | Germany | Retrospective | 24 | Surg | 100 | 100 | 48 | CXR misDx only |
Petersen43 | 1999 | Denmark | Prospective | 12 | Multiple | 659 | 141 | 70 | Pneumonia only |
Pinheiro44 | 2007 | Brazil | Retrospective | 96 | Not given | 592 | 22 | 7 | ARDS only |
Al-Saidi42 | 2002 | Canada | Retrospective | 67 | Med/surg | 59 | 28 | 10 | Bone marrow transplant only |
Tejerina45 | 2009 | Spain | Retrospective | 150 | Not given | 1633 | 253 | 111 | VAP only |
Widimsky46 | 1985 | Czech-Slovakia | Retrospective | 120 | Coronary | Not given | 31 | 12 | PE only |
ARDS, Acute Respiratory Distress syndrome; CXR, chest X-ray; ICU, Intensive Care Unit; misDx, misdiagnosis; mos, months; PE, pulmonary embolus; VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia.