Table 5

Validity correlations

Medication subscale (low scores positive–high scores negative attitudes)Angiography subscale (low scores positive–high scores negative attitudes)Surgery subscale (low scores positive–high scores negative attitudes)Total subscalesDegner decision-making scale (ranked high to low preference for involvement)AgeSex
Strength of preference for (very strong–low–not at all strong preference–high)
Medication to prevent symptoms0.260**−0.240**−0.107−0.048−0.0460.065−0.008
Medication to prevent symptoms and reduce risk0.304**−0.296**−0.175**−0.093−0.057−0.0040.009
Degree of acceptability for (very acceptable low–not at all acceptable high)
Medication to prevent symptoms0.258**−0.166**−0.0690.014−0.123*0.035−0.034
Medication to prevent symptoms and reduce risk0.298**-0.255**-0.159**-0.0680.080−0.0520.002
Degner decision-making scale (ranked high to low preference for involvement in decision-making)0.015−0.7200.134*−0.068−0.043−0.027
  • CABG, coronary artery bypass graft.

  • * p<0.05

  • ** p<0.01