Table 1

Study population inclusion and exclusion criteria

General inclusionCountry-specific inclusion
Patients and/or family members18-years-old plus any of the following diagnoses: diabetes mellitus, asthma, COPD, chronic heart failure and/or prescribed 6+ drugs
Recruited consecutively at the point of their hospital discharge
Discharged to the community (ie, home or nursing home)
The Netherlands: patients admitted to internal medicine, pulmonary diseases, cardiology or (vascular) surgical wards
Spain: patients belonging to cultural minority groups with limited health literacy (capacity to read, write and understand healthcare information)
Poland: patients ≥60 years of age
Italy: patients admitted to emergency ward
Sweden: patients admitted to emergency ward from emergency room. If living at a nursing home, only within a geographically specified area
Hospital physicians and nursesInternal medicine, pulmonary diseases, cardiology or (vascular) surgical wards
GPs and community nursesRepresenting the communities to which the patients were discharged
Exclusion criteria
 Patients referred to other care units within the hospital prior to their discharge home or discharge to another country
  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; GP, general practitioner.