1. Process: innovation and creativity | Innovation | Developing the practice by improving the process of care: audits, quality improvement cycles | Improving the practice |
2. Processes: systematic process management | Standard operating procedures | Operating procedures, that is documented standardised steps for organisational and care processes | Operating procedures |
3. Resources: technology and knowledge management | Internal knowledge management | Using patient data: information recorded from consultations. Coding and analysis potential. | Using patient data |
4. Resources: technology and knowledge management | External knowledge management | Using information: accessing evidence about best practice, sharing the evidence and assessing its applicability and quality | Using information |
5. Appreciation by society | Client (patient) focus | Listening to patients: their views and experiences and complaint process | Listening to patients |
6. Policy and strategy: Communication | Team working processes | Working as a team: organisation-wide communication, using meetings, minutes, and documented action | Working as a team |
7. Appreciation by staff and people management: planning | Human resource management | Managing staff: recruitment processes, role clarity, staff development and appraisal | Managing staff |
8. Resources: financial management | Resource management | These subaspects were excluded as International Family Practice Maturity Matrix dimensions: financial details are difficult to confront in open discussion where staff have different roles (eg, employees as well as employers), and similarly, detailed discussion about leadership in a group setting may be contentious and is best postponed, if this needs attention |
9. Leadership: visible commitment | Leadership |
10. Policy and strategy: leadership | Leadership |