Table 4

Convergent and discriminant validity correlations (Spearman's rank order)

Medication subscale scoreAngioplasty subscale scoreSurgery subscale scoreTotal score of three subscales
CROQ symptoms (seven items) summed score−0.138*−0.0560.084−0.094
CROQ psychosocial functioning (14 items) summed score−0.171**−0.0620.153*−0.076
CROQ cognitive functioning (three items) summed score−0.099−0.460.113*−0.045
CROQ physical functioning (eight items) summed score−0.095−0.1050.051−0.106
Medication subscale−0.210*−0.296**0.303**
Angiography subscale−0.210*0.576**0.809**
Surgery subscale−0.296**0.576**0.682**
Total subscale score0.303**0.809**0.682**
  • CROQ, Coronary Revascularisation Outcome Questionnaire.

  • * p<0.05

  • ** p<0.01

  • Caution: the instrument was designed as three subscales, not for total summing; thus, the totals are shown for reference only and are instrumental for exploring the underlying factor structure.