Table 2

Associations tested through graphical modelling

AbbreviationAssociationAdjusted for
1First score→prioritisingBetween the first MM score and prioritisingInterventions between meetings, practice size
2Prioritising→second scoreBetween prioritising the dimension at first session and change in scoreInterventions between meetings, practice size and first MM score
3Interventions between meetings→second score*Between (anticipation of) interventions between meetings (in Aarhus and Frederiksborg counties, but not in Copenhagen county) and the change in score (beyond the differential effect that interventions between meetings may have on prioritising the dimension at first sessions)Practice size, first MM score and prioritising
4Planned interventions between meetings→prioritisingBetween (anticipation of) interventions between meetings on prioritising the dimension at first sessions (beyond the differential effect that interventions between meetings may have on the level of the first MM score)Practice size, first MM score
5Size→prioritisingBetween practice size on prioritising the dimension at first sessions (beyond the differential effect that practice size may have on the level of the first MM score)Interventions between meetings, first MM score
6Size→second score*Between practice size on change in score (beyond the differential effect that practice size may have on prioritising the dimension at first sessions)Interventions between meetings, first MM score and prioritising
  • * By investigating the influence of a process factor on the score at the second MM session adjusted for the score at the first MM session, we effectively test for the effect of this factor on the change between these scores.

  • MM, Maturity Matrix.