Table 4

Top 10 of barriers that were targeted by the InFoQI program

StatementsCategory(Strongly) agreed* (%)
I trust the quality of our own indicator data†Indicators91
I am motivated to use indicator data for QI†Professional83
The definitions of the indicators are clearProfessional80
At our ICU, someone is responsible for collecting and submitting the indicator dataEnvironment79
The frequency of the InFoQI feedback reports was sufficiently high†Intervention77
I agree with the NVIC guideline that one qualified ICU nurse should care for a maximum of two patients simultaneouslyIndicator74
I am well informed with regard to the definitions of the indicatorsProfessional70
I find it easy to adapt my existing routines to implement indicatorsEnvironment66
The use of the InFoQI program leads to improved quality of patient careIntervention63
Using structure- and process indicators has resulted in better quality at my ICUIndicators63
  • ICU, intensive care unit; InFoQI, Information Feedback on Quality Indicators; NVIC, Netherlands Society of Intensive Care; QI, quality improvement.

  • *The higher the percentage, the less important the barrier.

  • †Barriers were also identified in the barrier analysis prior to the implementation of the program.