Table 1

Comparison of hospital and patient characteristics of the study samples 2004 and 2008, and the total Dutch inpatient hospital population (source: Prismant) in 2004 and 2008

Hospital characteristicsSample 2004*Sample 2008*Total hospital population 2004†Total hospital population 2008†
 Inpatient admissions n (% of all patients)7887 (0.6)3996 (0.3)1.343.2341.332.602
 Hospital deaths n (% of total sample/ population)3958 (50.2)1996 (49.9)42.329 (3.2)35.721 (2.7)
 Patient admissions† n (% of total sample/ population)
  University hospitals1378 (17.5)791 (19.8)179.998 (13.4)197.269 (14.8)
  Tertiary teaching2322 (29.4)1197 (30.0)381.625 (28.4)584.914 (43.9)
  General4187 (53.1)2008 (50.3)781.611 (58.2)550.419 (41.3)
Patient characteristicsSample 2004*‡Sample 2008*‡Total hospitalpopulation 2004†Total hospitalpopulation 2008†
 Male sex %49.049.949.749.9
 Age y, mean (SD)57.4 (21.6)60.0 (20.7)55.9 (21.7)56.8 (21.8)
 Length of hospital stay d, mean (SD/median)8.5 (10.4/ 5.0)6.7 (8.9/4.0)7.3 (10.4/ 4.0)6.3 (9.5/3.0)
 Urgently admitted patients %53.854.146.649.5
 Hospital departments
  Internal medicine15.816.216.115.9
  Lung diseases7.
  Ear, nose and throat4.
 ICD-9 diagnostic groups
  Nervous system and sensory organs4.
  Circulatory system19.120.818.818.0
  Respiratory system8.
  Digestive system10.910.810.910.0
  Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue11.
  III defined conditions8.96.310.113.2
  Injury and poisoning9.89.510.010.0
  • *Patient admissions of obstetrics, psychiatry, <1 year and <24 h for non-deceased patients were excluded.

  • †All patient admissions in non-specialty and non-psychiatric hospitals in The Netherlands (source: Prismant). Admissions of obstetrics, psychiatry, <1 year and <24 h for non-deceased patients were excluded.

  • ‡Patient characteristics are weighted for over-representation of deceased patients and hospital type.

  • §Other includes smallest groups (3% and under): infectious and parasitic diseases; endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity; blood and blood forming; mental; complications in birth; skin and subcutaneous disease; congenital abnormalities; V-codes.