Table 2

Nursing time required for ventilator-associated pneumonia prevention (Minutes per day)

Median (IQR)Full range of responses
IHI bundle time*45 (30–62)30–62
Total 2005 IHI bundle time†115 (74–182)16–300
Chlorhexidine oral washes20 (10–34)2–160
Tooth brushing20 (10–30)2–60
Oral rinse120 (84–180)18–600
All oral care‡160 (104–244)22–820
DVT prevention40 (24–60)24–60
Stomach ulcer prevention30 (20–60)20–60
  • *Including only daily assessment of readiness to wean, elevation of head of the bed and daily sedation holiday.

  • †Including daily assessment of readiness to wean, elevation of head of the bed and daily sedation holiday, stomach ulcer prevention and DVT prevention.

  • ‡Including tooth brushing twice daily, chlorhexidine oral washes twice daily and oral rinses independent of the chlorhexidine washes every 4 h.

  • DVT, deep vein thrombosis; IHI, Institute for Healthcare Improvement.