Table 1

Characteristics of 37 hospitals participating in 2009 hospital survey on patient safety culture by group

Intervention group categories
Hospital characteristicsStatic group median (n=13)Intervention group median (n=24)p Value*Early adopter median (n=6)Early/late majority median (n=12)Laggard median (n=6)p Value**
Bed size25250.702525210.62
County population913270470.326869959239940.18
Survey response rate (%)76810.848280800.80
Eligible employees1371080.20124.510874.50.28
No of TeamSTEPPS master trainersNA33.5330.72
No of TeamSTEPPS coachesNA22.51.510.79
No of 17 support calls in which hospitals participatedNA679.52.50.01
  • *p Values derived from Mann–Whitney test.

  • **p Values derived from Kruskal–Wallis test.

  • TeamSTEPPS, team strategies and tools to enhance performance and patient safety.