Population served | Victoria has 5.6 million residents, making it the second most populous state in Australia |
Governing legislation | Health Services Act 1988 |
Number of boards | 85 public health services are each governed by their own board: 16 in metropolitan areas 16 in regional and subregional areas 53 in rural areas |
Functions | The statutory functions of the board include ensuring that
effective and accountable systems are in place to monitor and improve the quality and effectiveness of health services provided -
any problems identified with the quality or effectiveness of the health services provided are addressed in a timely manner
Number of members | Each board has between 6 and 12 members. Both men and women must be adequately represented on the board |
Independence | All board members are independent non-executive directors. No more than a quarter of members may be medical practitioners, and employees of the health service are not eligible to serve on the board |
Term of appointment | Board members are appointed by the Minister of Health for a 3-year term with the possibility of re-appointment |
Remuneration | Members of metropolitan and larger regional boards are remunerated. Members of subregional and rural boards serve as volunteers |
Time commitment | Boards meet on average 11 times a year, with additional committee meetings |
Committees | Each board is required to have a quality committee, as well as a risk committee and an audit committee. The chair of the quality committee is a member of the board. |