TableĀ 2

Links to other improvement methodologies

Model for improvement9The AED visually represents answers to the first and third questions of the model for improvement. From right to left of the diagram, 'What are we trying to accomplish?' and from left to right, 'What changes can we make that will result in an improvement?'.
Measurement for improvement20A QI method in itself motivated by the second question of the model for improvement, measurement for improvement is also supported by the AED. The main aim, factors and interventions can all be linked to measure concepts. This supports teams to balance their measures for improvement across the causal chains.
Plan-do-study-act cycles9 19 20Interventions identified through the AED should be tested using plan-do-study-act cycles, starting on a small scale with measurement supporting iterative learning.
Process mapping9A high-level process map of patient care can give insight into some of the contributing factors, particularly if this approach is used to form the major contributing factors,* and more detailed mapping can yield important insights into barriers to implementation of interventions and implementation activities).
  • *We reflect that there is some degree of subjectivity as to the factors given prominence in column 1 of the AED as logic alone could result in multiple arrangements of factors. AED, action effect diagram.