Table 2

Thirteen primary care contributing factors to patient safety incidents and their relation to the YCFF and patient identified contributing factors to safety from a hospital setting

Thirteen contributing factors to patient safety incidents in primary careBrief definitionContributory factor in YCFFContributory identified by patients in hospital setting*Unique to this study
1. CommunicationEffectiveness of the exchange and sharing of information between primary-care staff and patients†
2. AccessAbility to receive timely access to primary care
3. Patient factorsPatient personality, preferences, health status, experience or other individual characteristic that influences safety
4. External policy contextNational primary-care system, structures and policies that impact on the delivery of care and resources available†
5. Dignity and respectAssociated with patients feeling comfortable, in control and valued
6. Primary–secondary interfaceThe transition between primary and secondary care. Adequate communication and information sharing is necessary to prevent harm
7. Continuity of careConnection over time with the same primary-care professional
8. Task performanceSkill and competence of primary-care professional when carrying out a task
9. Task characteristicsFactors related to tasks that make patients vulnerable to error.† Patient identified examples include care coordination and information management, prescribing medication and decision making ability
10. Time in the consultationHaving enough time to undertake all necessary tasks during the consultation
11. Safety culturePrimary care organisation’s values, beliefs and practices regarding the management of safety and learning from error†
12. Team factorsAny factor related to the working of different professionals within a group, which they may be able to change to improve patient safety†
13. Physical environmentFeatures of the physical environment that help or hinder safe practice†
  • *Patient identified factors that contribute to safety in a hospital setting based on the YCFF.4

  • †Definition adapted from or consistent with the YCFF.

  • YCFF, Yorkshire Contributory Factors Framework.17