Table 4

Patient-centred readmission factors from open-ended questions

Total sample that reported difficulties in open-ended questions only*508 (48%)
Sub-themes and representative quotations (overarching themes in parentheses):
No problems (patient uncertain what went wrong) or new problem (other issues)

I followed all the instructions. The readmission was a surprise to me. I don't know what happened. I feel I got all the care I could need.

171 (34%)
Persistence or progression of disease or uncontrolled symptoms (self-management)

My organ doesn't cooperate; nothing to do with the plan, it's just chronic. My disease is progressing, there's only so much you can do to prevent this.

156 (31%)
Discharged too soon (discharge planning)

I left prematurely; I didn't realize the seriousness of what was going on. They let me go too soon; maybe I should have stayed here longer.

39 (8%)
Poor quality care before discharge such as misdiagnosis, miscommunication (hospital care quality)

If they did a CT scan last time, these things wouldn't have developed. If they had listened to me, I wouldn't keep coming back with infections.

32 (6%)
Transition care issues such as poor instructions, continuity or home health (care coordination)

They didn't give me proper instructions about how to take care of my IV. I was handed off to nobody…I feel like no one really oversees everything. I wasn't satisfied with the visiting nurse; she didn't show up as planned.

31 (6%)
Medication issues including adverse effects or ineffective medications (medication safety)

I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics they prescribed me last time. Stronger meds or higher dose would've kept me out of the hospital longer.

27 (5%)
Non-adherence to discharge plan such as missed treatment or appointments (self-management)

I didn't take care of myself; didn't follow-up as good as I should have. I had to wear a vest but I didn't feel comfortable so I refused.

19 (4%)
Financial or insurance issues (could not afford meds or recommended diet) (discharge planning)

My prescriptions didn't allow generics, so I couldn't afford my meds.

10 (2%)
Functional issues (other issues)

I thought I was ready to go home but I had difficulty climbing stairs.

7 (1%)
  • *These 508 patients reported no difficulties in multiple-choice questions from table 2.