Table 2

Correlation matrix among the work–life climate, teamwork climate and safety climate scales and convergent validity with related individual items not included in the work–life climate scale

Work–life climate
Teamwork climate0.307**
Safety climate0.284**0.719**
Scheduling problems in this clinical area sometimes interfere with my quality of life−0.301**−0.168**−0.045
Working while fatigued has made me more irritable with my colleagues−0.301**−0.157**−0.1050.283**
I sometimes fall asleep when I do not intend to (eg, in the car, watching a movie, etc)−0.241**−0.112*−0.0200.278**0.269**
Dealt with an unexpected emergency0.500**0.226**0.208**−0.178**−0.188**−0.130*
Arrived late for work0.168**0.159**0.096−0.042−0.170**−0.157**0.130*
Morale in this clinical area is high0.323**0.652**0.616**−0.138*−0.177**−0.0140.243**0.053
I have enough time to think through patient care issues while working in this clinical area.0.317**0.412**0.444**−0.088−0.173**−0.119*0.143*0.116*0.396**
I would like to find a better job−0.243**−0.455**−0.413**0.169**0.0840.151**−0.150**−0.091−0.405**−0.369**
The staffing levels in this clinical area are sufficient to handle the number of patients0.166**0.382**0.437**−0.080−0.090−0.102−0.0630.125*0.416**0.438**−0.343**
Argued with a coworker0.291**0.225**0.293**−0.094−0.180**−0.0950.270**0.315**0.161**0.254**−0.249**0.203**
My work life is understood by my friends and family0.267**0.320**0.377**−0.123*−0.249**−0.0970.230**0.0290.364*0.416**−0.243**0.296**0.243**
  • All results are data-aggregated to the work setting level.

  • *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level; ** at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).