Table 1

Two-stage modified Delphi process participant characteristics*

CharacteristicsRound 1
Round 2
Age (years)48±1249±12
 Female76 (65%)63 (66%)
 Male39 (33%)32 (33%)
 Missing2 (2%)1 (1%)
Country of residence
 USA60 (51%)50 (52%)
 Canada20 (17%)14 (15%)
 UK17 (14%)13 (14%)
 The Netherlands5 (4%)5 (5%)
 Australia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Romania, Spain, Sweden (<5 each)13 (11%)12 (12%)
 Unknown2 (2%)2 (2%)
Expertise (respondents could check more than one)
 Decision aid researcher, author, developer86 (74%)NA
 Clinician, healthcare administration, decision aid user56 (48%)NA
 Patient or consumer representative4 (3%)NA
 Journal editor or funder36 (31%)NA
 Guideline developer9 (8%)NA
Number of publications
 0–115 (13%)12 (12%)
 2–423 (20%)17 (18%)
 5+79 (67%)67 (70%)
  • *Table values are mean±SD for continuous variables and n (column %) for categorical variables.

  • †Numbers may not sum to total due to missing data, and percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding.

  • NA, not available.