Table 3

Types of interviews, observations, focus groups and mapping processes

InterviewsObservationsFocus groupsMapping and surveys
Semistructured 11 27 29 30 32 33 35 41–43 59 61 Ethnographic observations 11 43 59 Focus groups 28–34 36 37 40 41 43 59 Health walks 35
Structured 28 Video observations 44 Natural groups 30 Field surveys 9 27 38
Unstructured 28 Participant observation 24 30 37 41 61 Informal focus groups 9 Photographic documentation of spaces 8
Opportunistic or rapid ‘street intercept’ 11 36 Direct observation 28 36 42 Mapping and geocoding 36
In-depth 9 24 28 31 33 37 39 40 60 Shadowing 8 11
Key informant/expert 36 25 Observations (specific type not specified) 26 29 31
Informal discussions 32 Tour observations 9
Conversational interviews 26 Clinical observations 27
Video-cued interviews 44