Table 2

Key recommendations from Order from Chaos: Accelerating Care Integration

Target of recommendationRecommendation
All stakeholders: federal and state governmental agencies, consumer groupsCreate mechanisms for developing a shared understanding among public and private stakeholders regarding the link between care integration and patient safety.
Use working groups and public forums, best practices and patient stories to be catalogued and disseminated.
Healthcare leaders and practitioners, publicPatients and families must become active participants in process improvement and design and redesign efforts and review organisational performance.
Regulatory and accrediting bodiesCreate methods of measuring care integration, along with robust assessment and evaluation metrics and incorporate these measures into public reporting systems.
Medical schools, professional societies, non-profitsProvide education and training for executives, boards, clinicians and medical students that focuses on patient safety and care integration.
Researchers, industryDevelop the technology and infrastructure to allow for national spread of organisational and operational expertise to support care integration.