Table 3

Summary of data collection

Before (T1): April 2014 to July 2014Interviews with between 4 and 6 members of each participating board (n=30)
Observation (1 meeting of each board)
Document analysis of papers from the meeting we observed and an additional set of minutes; Quality Accounts (a mandatory report on the quality of services provided by an organisation and published annually); rolling 5-year strategy; quality committee minutes; inspection reports from national regulators
During (T2): July 2014 to April 2015Observation (workshop and action learning sets)
Interviews with 1–2 participants from each board (n=9)
After (T3): May 2015 to December 2016Repeat interviews with board members, where these individuals were still in post and willing to participate (n=24), and any additional staff members leading on the development and implementation of the nominated project (n=2)
Observation (1 meeting of each board)
Document analysis of meeting papers and other relevant documents, as in T1. We also requested documents—reports, PowerPoint presentations etc—relating to the implementation of the nominated project