Table 2

Change in measures of PDSA cycle fidelity over round of project initiation

PrincipleMeasureRound 1Round 2Round 3AllP value
DocumentationAll PDSA cycle stages documentedCycles adhering to principle1593191299<0.001
Cycle sample30144247421
% 50.0 64.6 77.3 71.0
’Study’ section documented in past tenseCycles adhering to principle1067176253<0.001
Cycle sample1593191299
% 66.7 72.0 92.1 84.6
Learning activityLearning activity present in PDSA cycleCycles adhering to principle1590189294NA
Cycle sample1593191299
% 100 96.8 99.0 98.3
PredictionExplicit prediction documented in PDSA cycleCycles adhering to principle0333360.001
Cycle sample1590189294
% 0.0 3.3 17.5 12.2
Iterative cyclesPDSA cycle within iterative series of 2 or more cyclesCycles adhering to principle048115163<0.001
Cycle sample1593191299
% 0.0 51.6 60.2 54.5
Small-scale testingPDSA iterative series increasing testing scaleIterative series adhering to principleNA316190.113
Cycle sampleNA194564
% NA 15.8 35.6 29.7
Use of data over timePDSA iterative series using regular data over timeIterative series adhering to principleNA722290.376
Cycle sampleNA194564
% NA 36.8 48.9 45.3
  • Bold values are calulated as the percentage of the cycle sample that adhere to the principle.

  • NA, not applicable; PDSA, Plan-Do-Study-Act.