Table 3

The number of expected tasks as per neonatal nursing guidelines and the proportion of these tasks completed by domain and type

DomainTask typeTaskRequired for all babies observed in a 12-hour shiftFrequency in 24 hours according to standards*Expected tasks assuming 12 hours’ observation shifts and adjusting for category/interventions (n)Tasks done, n (%)95% CI
Nursing/clinical tasksGeneral nursingHanding over nursing care between shiftsYes2216210 (97.2)87 to 99
Nursing review of newbornsYes221683 (38.4)16 to 67
Baby cleanedNo112683 (65.9)43 to 83
Linen changedNo112670 (55.6)26 to 81
Nurse attends ward round†No17564 (85.3)21 to 99
Checking and changing diaper as requiredYes8216207 (95.8)87 to 99
Communication to parentYes1216105 (48.6)30 to 67
Handwashing/scrub‡Yes2216200 (92.6)67 to 99
Cord care where requiredNo111042 (38.2)17 to 65
Temperature monitored§Yes4216127 (58.8)20 to 89
Respiration monitored§Yes4216107 (49.5)16 to 83
Pulse monitored§Yes4216122 (56.5)19 to 88
Oxygen saturation monitored§No414449 (34.0)9 to 72
Turning done as requiredYes821681 (37.5)13 to 71
Feeding three hourly as requiredNo8180126 (70.0)58 to 80
Phototherapy careClean eyes and check for discharge/infectionNo43412 (35.3)11 to 71
Eye pad changedNo23412 (35.3)12 to 69
Skin assessment¶No4
Skin assessment 13419 (55.9)27 to 81
Skin assessment 2345 (14.7)1 to 68
Check eyes for damage from phototherapy¶No4
Check eyes for damage 13431 (91.2)53 to 99
Check eyes for damage 23419 (55.9)26 to 82
Turning/positioning done¶No6
Turning/positioning done 13431 (91.2)48 to 99
Turning/positioning done 23426 (76.5)48 to 92
Turning/positioning done 33214 (43.8)23 to 66
Oxygen therapy careOxygen regulated7661 (80.3)36 to 97
Check nostril tube position¶No8
Check nostril tube position 17561 (81.3)60 to 93
Check nostril tube position 27642 (55.3)17 to 88
Check nostril tube position 37642 (55.3)19 to 87
Check nostril tube position 47636 (47.4)13 to 84
Intravenous fluidsFluids regulated as required**No22116 (76.2)11 to 99
Intravenous treatmentCannula flushed before giving intravenous treatment††No212651 (40.5)7 to 86
KMCCounselling and supporting mother to initiate and continue with KMCNo23229 (90.6)57 to 99
Supervision of the mother for correct KMC practiceNo23224 (75.0)31 to 95
Documentation tasksDocumentationClinical nursing reviewYes2216107 (49.5)22 to 77
Planned careYes2216140 (64.8)20 to 93
Vital signsYes2216154 (71.3)22 to 96
Treatment documentedNo2150146 (97.3)90 to 99
Ward round recommendationsNo17555 (73.3)44 to 91
Phototherapy documentationNo23119 (61.3)18 to 92
Summary of feeds intakeNo2180137 (76.1)33 to 95
Oxygen therapyNo27657 (75.0)43 to 92
Health talks/parent communications‡‡Yes221653 (24.5)6 to 63
Charting of fluids administeredNo26660 (90.9)73 to 97
Turning/positioningYes221659 (27.3)6 to 67
  • *For instance, for tasks with a frequency of 2 in 24 hours we would observe one task in a 12-hour shift.

  • †Only one doctors ward round was expected in 24 hours.

  • ‡At first contact with patient only since it was difficult to establish a denominator since handwashing should be done before each time the nurse makes contact with the patient.

  • §Monitoring done as per draft neonatal nursing guidelines.

  • ¶Tasks have multiple sub-items.

  • **During the observation shift or when fluid was running, evidence for an attempt to regulate the rate.

  • ††For twice daily medication, we would observe two tasks in 24 hours.

  • ‡‡Health talks/parents are supposed to be continuous; however, we are interested in at least two sessions in 24 hours (one during the day and one during the night shift).

  • KMC, kangaroo mother care.