Quality domain | Measure | Source |
Timely access | Percentage of patients reporting they saw a doctor, nurse practitioner or nurse the same or next day when sick and needing care. | Patient experience survey |
Percentage of patients reporting that it was very easy or somewhat easy to get care from the family health team when they needed medical care on an evening, weekend or holiday. | Patient experience survey | |
Percentage of patients reporting that they always or often see or speak to the doctor or nurse practitioner that they prefer. | Patient experience survey | |
Patient-centredness | Percentage of patients reporting that their doctor or nurse practitioner always or often gives them an opportunity to ask questions about recommended treatment. | Patient experience survey |
Percentage of patients reporting that their doctor or nurse practitioner always or often spends enough time with them. | Patient experience survey | |
Percentage of patients reporting that their doctor or nurse practitioner always or often involves them as much as they want to be in decisions about their care. | Patient experience survey | |
Progress on patient recommendations. | Organisation operations | |
Effectiveness | Chronic d isease p revention | |
Percentage of eligible patients up to date with (1) cervical, (2) breast and (3)colorectal cancer screening. | EMR and provincial registry | |
Percentage of current smokers advised to quit in the last year. | EMR | |
Chronic d isease m anagement | ||
Percentage of patients with diabetes retained in care. | EMR | |
Percentage of patients with diabetes whose last blood pressure was less than 145/85. | EMR | |
Percentage of patients with HIV retained in care. | EMR | |
Percentage of patients with HIV who have an undetectable viral load. | EMR | |
Transitions in care | ||
Percentage of patients discharged home from the hospital’s general internal medicine service contacted by a fFamily Health tTeam clinician within 7 days. | Manual data collection | |
Safety | Percentage of patients coprescribed an opioid and benzodiazepine. | EMR |
Percentage of patients prescribed an opioid medication (not including methadone or buprenorphine-naloxone). | EMR | |
Percentage of patients age 65 and above prescribed a benzodiazepine. | EMR | |
Number of incident analyses resulting in operational changes. | Organisational operations | |
Equity | Screening rates for (1) cervical, (2) breast and (3) colorectal cancer for patients living in the lowest neighbourhood income quintile divided by the screening rates for patients living in the highest neighbourhood income quintile. | EMR and provincial registry |
EMR, electronic medical record.