Table 3

Patients’ contribution to safer care

Valid data, nScore distribution, mean (SD)P value*
All patients
Complainants (n=333)Regular patients
I believe I as a patient can contribute to making healthcare safer13682.08 (0.89)1.92 (0.93)2.13 (0.88)<0.001
I believe patients who ask questions can contribute to safer healthcare13681.84 (0.82)1.71 (0.85)1.87 (0.80)<0.001
I believe patients who ask questions risk receiving worse care than other patients13203.51 (0.83)3.13 (1.06)3.62 (0.71)<0.001
I believe it is easier for patients to ask questions if they are encouraged to do so by the healthcare professionals13611.71 (0.84)1.67 (0.83)1.72 (0.85)0.295
I believe patients who notify healthcare professionals about shortcomings in their care or treatment risk getting worse care than other patients13303.19 (0.91)2.78 (1.08)3.31 (0.81)<0.001
I believe patients have a responsibility to point out shortcomings in their care or treatment that the healthcare professionals do not recognise13541.70 (0.86)1.50 (0.81)1.76 (0.87)<0.001
  • The response options were 1, agree completely; 2, agree to a large extent; 3, agree to some extent; and 4, do not agree.

  • *Mann-Whitney U test.