Indicator ID | Indicator description | Number of children | Number of visits | Proportion adherent, % (95% CI) |
BRON01 | Infants (aged <12 months) presenting with acute bronchiolitis had the duration and progression of their symptoms recorded | 404 | 646 | 79.3 (68.1 to 88.0) |
BRON02 | Infants (aged <12 months) presenting with acute bronchiolitis had the presence of apnoea recorded | 403 | 645 | 10.3 (6.3 to 15.5) |
BRON03 | Infants (aged <12 months) presenting with acute bronchiolitis had their feeding history recorded | 404 | 646 | 67.7 (57.2 to 77.1) |
BRON04 | Infants (aged <12 months) presenting with acute bronchiolitis had the presence of previous episodes of bronchiolitis recorded | 402 | 642 | 42.5 (26.0 to 60.2) |
BRON05 | Infants (aged <12 months) presenting with acute bronchiolitis had their family history of atopy or asthma recorded | 403 | 645 | 27.2 (20.1 to 35.2) |
BRON06 | Infants (aged <12 months) presenting with acute bronchiolitis had the presence of pre-existing conditions recorded | 400 | 641 | 54.2 (37.9 to 69.8) |
BRON07 | Infants (aged <12 months) presenting with acute bronchiolitis had their general appearance and basic observations (Temp, RR, HR, SpO₂) examined | 404 | 646 | 28.8 (22.0 to 36.4) |
BRON08 | Infants (aged <12 months) presenting with acute bronchiolitis had their hydration status reviewed | 404 | 646 | 50.5 (38.3 to 62.6) |
BRON09 | Infants (aged <12 months) presenting with acute bronchiolitis received a respiratory examination (work of breathing, recession, auscultation) | 404 | 646 | 74.5 (58.0 to 87.1) |
BRON10 | Infants (aged <12 months) presenting with acute bronchiolitis had their feeding (duration and volume, oxygen saturations while feeding) examined | 400 | 635 | 13.1 (9.2 to 17.9) |
BRON11 | Infants (aged <12 months) who had any of the following signs/symptoms: * appear well * mild tachypnoea (RR<60/min) * normal or mildly increased work of breathing (WOB) that is, no nasal flaring/grunting * wheeze at end expiratory or crackles * no cyanosis * SaO₂>93% on air * no tachycardia * normal/slightly decreased feeding or may take longer to feed, intermittently stops feeding were diagnosed with mild acute bronchiolitis | 322 | 437 | 12.5 (2.7 to 32.2) |
BRON12 | Infants (aged <12 months) who had two or more of the following signs/symptoms: * appear mildly unwell * moderate tachypnoea (RR>60/min) * mild to moderate WOB * no cyanosis * SaO₂ 90%–95% on air * mild tachycardia * difficult feeding but able to take >50% of normal feed, frequent stops were diagnosed with moderate acute bronchiolitis | 124 | 182 | 22.2 (10.8 to 37.8) |
BRON13 | Infants (aged <12 months) who had two or more of the following signs: * appear unwell (lethargic, restless) * severe tachypnoea>70 * bradypnoea<30 * moderate to severe WOB * may be cyanosed or pale * SaO₂<90% on air, <92% on oxygen * tachycardia >180 * difficult feeding taking <50% of normal feed, not interested * poor capillary refill >3 s were diagnosed with severe/life-threatening acute bronchiolitis | 25 | 30 | 33.0 (9.5 to 65.3) |
BRON14 | Children diagnosed with acute mild/moderate bronchiolitis did not have a chest X-ray | 333 | 503 | 93.6 (89.3 to 96.6) |
BRON15 | Children diagnosed with acute mild/moderate bronchiolitis did not have routine blood tests | 333 | 507 | 97.7 (95.6 to 98.9) |
BRON16 | Children diagnosed with acute mild/moderate bronchiolitis did not have an ABG | 333 | 508 | 99.2 (98.0 to 99.8) |
BRON17 | Children diagnosed with acute mild/moderate bronchiolitis did not have chest physiotherapy | 335 | 510 | 99.9 (99.0 to 100) |
BRON18 | Infants (aged less than 12 months) with mild bronchiolitis did not receive prescribed oxygen | 328 | 447 | 99.4 (98.1 to 99.9) |
BRON19 | Infants (aged less than 12 months) with mild bronchiolitis did not receive further investigations (ie, blood tests, chest X-ray) | 327 | 448 | 97.1 (95.1 to 98.5) |
BRON20 | Infants (aged <12 months) with moderate bronchiolitis were prescribed oxygen to maintain saturation levels of greater than or equal to 93% | 90 | 140 | 73.5 (60.2 to 84.2) |
BRON21 | Infants (aged <12 months) with moderate bronchiolitis were provided with frequent feeds or NG feeds were considered | 99 | 155 | 82.3 (75.4 to 88.0) |
BRON22 | Infants (aged <12 months) with moderate bronchiolitis and prescribed oxygen had continuous saturation monitoring and hourly observations | 66 | 100 | 96.6 (90.9 to 99.2) |
BRON23 | Infants (aged <12 months) with moderate bronchiolitis did not have further investigations performed (ie, blood tests, chest X-ray) | 95 | 146 | 59.4 (47.1 to 71.0) |
BRON24 | Infants (aged <12 months) with moderate bronchiolitis had 2 hourly observations performed | 98 | 154 | 91.7 (83.7 to 96.5) |
BRON25 | Infants (aged <12 months) with mild to moderate bronchiolitis caused by a viral infection were not prescribed antibiotics | 334 | 484 | 86.1 (74.8 to 93.7) |
BRON26 | Infants (aged <12 months) with severe bronchiolitis were prescribed oxygen to maintain saturation levels of greater than or equal to 93% | 24 | 31 | 96.3 (82.6 to 99.9) |
BRON27 | Infants (aged <12 months) with severe bronchiolitis were prescribed intravenous fluids and nil by mouth | 23 | 31 | 89.4 (73.1 to 97.5) |
BRON28 | Infants (aged <12 months) with severe bronchiolitis had their blood glucose assessed at least once during this presentation/admission | 23 | 31 | 78.1 (54.3 to 93.2) |
BRON29 | Infants (aged <12 months) with severe bronchiolitis had continuous cardiorespiratory and saturation monitoring and hourly observations | 23 | 31 | 98.3 (85.7 to 100) |
BRON30 | Infants (aged <12 months) who presented to the ED with acute bronchiolitis and any of the following: * lethargy * presence of nasal flaring and/or grunting * oxygen saturation <95% on air * uncertainty regarding diagnosis were reviewed within 30 min | 94 | 107 | 97.7 (90.9 to 99.8) |
BRON31 | Infants (aged <12 months) who presented to the ED with acute bronchiolitis and any of the following: * respiratory rate >60/min or <30/min * presence of nasal flaring and/or grunting * SpO₂ <92% on air * severe chest wall recession * cyanosis were reviewed immediately | 32 | 36 | 84.8 (60.0 to 97.1) |
BRON32 | Infants (aged <12 months) with acute bronchiolitis were not prescribed any of the following medications: * nebulised epinephrine * bronchodilators (if aged <6 months) * corticosteroid medication (unless asthma or chronic neonatal lung disease) * ipratropium bromide (possible asthma or chronic neonatal lung disease) * ribavirin (antiviral) unless there is significant immunosuppression | 391 | 614 | 78.4 (69.0 to 86.0) |
BRON33 | Parents of infants (aged <12 months) with mild bronchiolitis received advice to provide small frequent feeds | 335 | 450 | 24.0 (16.4 to 33.1) |
BRON34 | Parents of infants (aged <12 months) with mild bronchiolitis were provided written information prior to discharge | 156 | 198 | 43.3 (31.8 to 55.4) |
BRON35 | Parents of infants (aged <12 months) with mild bronchiolitis were advised to follow-up with a health professional within 24 hours | 155 | 200 | 53.8 (42.8 to 64.5) |
BRON36 | Infants (aged <12 months) who presented to the GP with acute bronchiolitis and two of the following: * poor feeding (<50% of usual fluid intake in preceding 24 hours) * lethargy * history of apnoea * respiratory rate >60/min OR <30/min * presence of nasal flaring and/or grunting * severe chest wall recession or tracheal tug * cyanosis * oxygen saturation <95% on air * uncertainty regarding diagnosis were referred to hospital | 15 | 15 | Insufficient data |
BRON37 | Infants (aged <12 months) with bronchiolitis who were discharged had minimal respiratory distress | 202 | 266 | 99.2 (97.3 to 99.9) |
BRON38 | Infants (aged <12 months) with bronchiolitis who were discharged maintained an adequate daily oral intake (>75% of usual intake) | 196 | 256 | 90.7 (82.2 to 96.0) |
BRON39 | Infants (aged <12 months) with bronchiolitis who were discharged had oxygen saturations which were greater than or equal to 92% on room air (including during sleep periods) | 198 | 261 | 95.8 (88.7 to 99.0) |
BRON40 | Parents/carers of infants (aged <12 months) with bronchiolitis who were discharged were provided: * education and written information * support and follow-up arrangements | 200 | 263 | 59.6 (49.3 to 69.3) |
ABG, arterial blood gas; ED, emergency department; GP, general practice; HR, heart rate; NG, nasogastric; RR, respiratory rate; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation; Temp, temperature.