Table 4

Results of direct ranking, ranked by percentage ranked first

AttributesMean rankSDRanked first (%)Ranked top 3 (%)*
Breast cancer
4) Preserved breast contour5.101.6973.883.8
1) Volume3.601.5910.853.8
5) Combination surgery3.211.577.738.5
3) Waiting time 22.891.533.135.4
6) Tumour residual2.981.243.121.5
2) Waiting time 13.221.341.547.7
Colon cancer‡
5) Failure to rescue3.671.3133.967.2
3) Tumour residual3.131.5333.964.4
1) Volume2.431.5113.637.3
4) Complications2.701.3611.942.4
2) Waiting time3.221.036.872.9
  • *Can add up to more than 100%.

  • †Scaled from 1 to 6 (from least to most important).

  • ‡Scaled from 1 to 5 (from least to most important).