Table 2

Type, severity and system response for 33 AEs detected

N (%)*
Adverse event related to care provided by:
 ED-specific services26 (78.8)
 Subspecialist services2 (6.1)
 Both ED-specific services and subspecialist services5 (15.2)
Type of adverse event†
 Diagnostic issue15 (45.5)
 Management issue17 (51.5)
 Unsafe disposition decision3 (9.1)
 Suboptimal follow-up5 (15.2)
 Procedural complication2 (6.1)
 Medication adverse effect4 (12.1)
Severity of AE
 An abnormality on laboratory testing0 (0.0)
 ≤1 day of symptoms7 (21.2)
 >1 day of symptoms24 (72.7)
 Non-permanent disability2 (6.1)
 Permanent disability0 (0.0)
 Death0 (0.0)
System response required for AE‡
 No treatment (symptoms only)3 (9.1)
 Visit to ED15 (45.5)
 Required medical intervention15 (45.5)
 Required surgical intervention4 (12.1)
 Transfer to critical care0 (0.0)
 Visit to MD office12 (36.4)
 Visit to health facility/laboratory6 (18.2)
 Admission to hospital5 (15.2)
 Death0 (0.0)
  • *Unless otherwise indicated.

  • †AEs may be of more than one type.

  • ‡AEs may require more than one type of system response.

  • AE, adverse event; ED, emergency department.