Table 1

Adoption of recommended implementation strategies among participating long-term care homes (n=32)

Implementation strategy descriptionComplete
n (%)
n (%)
No response†
n (%)
Readiness strategies
 Consensus: ensuring agreement on the practices among prescribers24 (75)5 (16)3 (9)
 Policies and procedures: ensuring policies and procedures are aligned with five practice changes23 (72)6 (19)3 (9)
 Champion: selecting a champion and involving them in implementation21 (66)8 (25)3 (9)
 Local opinion leaders: finding way for prescribers to be involved in delivering strategies19 (59)10 (31)3 (9)
 Implementation team: having at least three people that are part of an implementation team15 (47)14 (44)3 (9)
Education and support
 Delivering education to staff27 (84)1 (3)4 (13)
 Coaching: ensuring there is someone to help with questions/concerns after education25 (78)3 (9)4 (13)
 Providing information/education to residents and families25 (78)3 (9)4 (13)
Monitoring and communication
 Resident symptoms: addressing improvement in how resident symptoms are documented and communicated26 (81)1 (3)5 (16)
 Reminders: looking for opportunities to remind staff about the practice changes23 (72)4 (13)5 (16)
 Process surveillance: checking records of urine cultures and antibiotics prescribed for UTIs to see how they are aligned with the programme algorithm22 (69)5 (16)5 (16)
  • *Incomplete refers to LTCHs that indicated they did not complete this strategy.

  • †No response refers to LTCHs that did not complete the survey or question. Proportions reflect the total number of participating LTCHs and not the total number of LTCHs that responded to the survey.

  • LTCHs, long-term care homes; UTI, urinary tract infection.