Table 2

Baseline characteristics of low back pain presentations

Intervention (n=1392)Control (n=3233)
Age, years53.4 (20.0)52.0 (20.3)
Female sex684 (49.1)1602 (49.6)
Primary diagnosis
 Non-specific low back pain1249 (89.7)2909 (90.0)
 Radicular low back pain143 (10.3)324 (10.0)
Socioeconomic status
 SEIFA deciles 1–5338 (25.6)1085 (35.3)
 SEIFA deciles 6–10980 (74.4)1988 (64.7)
Day of presentation
 Weekday1008 (72.4)2316 (71.6)
 Weekend384 (27.6)917 (28.4)
Hour of presentation
 Working hours718 (51.6)1718 (53.1)
 After hours674 (48.4)1515 (46.9)
Mode of arrival
 Self-presented946 (68.1)2202 (68.1)
 Ambulance434 (31.2)1018 (31.5)
 Other10 (0.7)13 (0.4)
Triage category
 2 (emergency)31 (2.2)52 (1.6)
 3 (urgent)492 (35.3)1174 (36.3)
 4 (semiurgent)849 (61.0)1895 (58.6)
 5 (non-urgent)20 (1.4)112 (3.5)
Length of emergency stay, hours4.0 (2.8)4.1 (3.0)
  • Data are n (%) or mean (SD).

  • Data are missing for socioeconomic status (234, 5.1%) and mode of arrival (2, 0.4%).

  • The primary diagnosis codes were categorised into non-specific back pain and radicular back pain. Lower numbers in socioeconomic status are more disadvantaged while higher numbers are less disadvantaged. Triage categories are based on the Australasian Triage Scale; there were no eligible low back pain presentations in triage category 1 (life-threatening).

  • SEIFA, Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas.