Table 2

Baseline characteristics of residents and long-term care homes (LTCHs)

CharacteristicsMatched intervention LTCHs
Matched control LTCHs
Standardised differences*
Bed size†, mean (SD)128.3 (70.8)136.2 (76.8)−0.11
 Urban (%)33 (77)106 (84)−0.17
 Rural (%)10 (23)21 (17)
Mean rate at baseline per 1000 resident days
 Urine culturing† (IQR)4.0 (2.5–5.5)3.4 (2.2–4.9)0.15
 Total antibiotic prescriptions† (IQR)4.2 (3.7–5.1)4.4 (3.5–5.2)0.05
 Urinary antibiotic prescriptions (IQR)1.5 (1.2–2.0)1.4 (1.1–1.8)0.08
 Hospital admissions (IQR)1.7 (1.4–2.3)2.0 (1.6–2.5)−0.40
No. unique residents796024 827
Mean resident age (SD)85.17 (8.1)84.79 (8)0.05
Female proportion (%)5515 (69)17 023 (69)0.02
Comorbidities, n (%):
 Residents with severe cognitive impairment‡2857 (36)8818 (36)0.01
 Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease5423 (68)16 713 (67)0.02
 Paralysis14 (0.2)110 (0.4)−0.05
 Parkinson’s disease550 (7)1649 (7)0.01
 Obstructive lung disease1510 (19)4475 (18)0.02
 Cancer768 (10)2812 (11)−0.06
 Gastrointestinal disease2546 (32)7055 (28)0.08
 Liver disease94 (1)365 (2)−0.03
 Diabetes mellitus2229 (28)7173 (29)−0.02
 Renal disease775 (10)2815 (11)−0.05
 Atherosclerotic heart disease1367 (17)4172 (17)0.01
 Congestive heart failure1156 (15)3210 (13)0.05
 Peripheral vascular disease555 (7)1521 (6)0.03
 Stroke2055 (26)6392 (26)0.002
Functional status, n (%)
 Bladder incontinence7337 (92)22 412 (90)0.07
 Bowel incontinence6371 (80)19 513 (79)0.04
Devices, n (%)
 Indwelling catheter582 (7)1526 (6)0.05
 Other urinary catheter40 (0.5)212 (0.9)−0.04
 Feeding tube56 (0.7)241 (1.0)−0.03
  • *A threshold of ≤0.1 is recommended to consider differences between groups.

  • †Variables used to match intervention to control LTCHs.

  • ‡Cognitive Performance Scale ≥4.