Table 3

Summary of intervention sustainability

QI projectIntervention
(number of care homes represented)
Sustainability indicators (Moore et al 2017)
Number of care homes where the intervention continued to be delivered (% of care homes where intervention has continued)Number of care homes where the intervention had evolved/adaptedNumber of care homes reporting continued benefits to intervention use
PEACHMDT review meetings (1)00N/A
PEACHDietician-led nutrition support (4)3 (75)13
EHCHRed Bag (11)6 (55)25*
EHCHTelemedicine (2)2 (100)02†
Safer Care HomesPimp My Zimmer (1)00N/A
Safer Care HomesFloor sensor mats (3)00N/A
Safer Care HomesLuminous Loos (1)00N/A
  • *1 out of 6 care homes continuing to use the Red Bag described downsides to continued use.

  • †1 out of 2 care homes continuing to use the telemedicine intervention described both benefits and downsides to continued use.

  • MDT, multidisciplinary ; QI, quality improvement.