Table 3

Number of ABs that would be avoided by reducing clinician prescribing to various percentile thresholds for various AB-prescribing measures

AB measure*Thresholds based on distributions of prescribing measures across all clinicians (from low to high)
5th percentile
25th percentile
75th percentile
95th percentile
Standardised rate of AB prescribing272 164154 59787 71140 1257206
Level of AB prescribing for incident common infections (URTI, LRTI or UTI)66 42744 49327 74213 7473042
Repeat AB courses within 30 days65 79138 87121 81398921645
NNT to prevent one infection-related hospital admission159 45475 56824 5517367916
Mean number of prior ABs in 3 years before in patients prescribed AB43 98920 02690183186367
  • *Per 1000 clinicians per year.

  • AB, antibiotic; LRTI, lower respiratory tract infection; NNT, Number Needed to Treat; URTI, upper respiratory tract infection; UTI, urinary tract infection.