Table 3

Per cent of total number of adverse events (AEs) per type and study

Study reference number(s) →
types of AEs
General care populationIntensive care population
GTT/TT methodologyHMPS methodologyGTT/TT methodology
404145*54–56586613 675969 70 743839485762717273
Nosocomial infection†9.259.642.818.66.813.86.619.
Skin, tissue or blood vessel harm§8.11.932.623.88.033.315.96.04.412.3
Medication related¶2.53.848.612.52.337.919.11.03.3
Medical technical product (eg, catheter or tube)**4.714.515.
Renal, endocrine, fluid and electrolytes§§
Deterioration in vital signs§§§
  • Examples of AEs within each type.

  • –Type not reported by the respective study.

  • *The only two AE types supplied in the publication.

  • †Central line-associated bloodstream infection, nosocomial infection, pneumonia, sepsis, urinary tract infection, wound infection.

  • ‡Chylothorax, endotracheal tube malposition requiring repositioning, pneumothorax, postextubation stridor, reintubation, respiratory depression/compromise, unplanned extubation.

  • §Burn, blister, catheter infiltration, extravasation injury, nasal septum injury, pressure sore, skin breakdown, skin lesion, skin necrosis, skin problems.

  • ¶Medication error, abrupt medication stop, drug level out of range, hyaluronic acid adverse reaction, medication related.

  • **Bladder catheter obstruction, feeding tube complication, intravenous catheter complication, tube complication (foley, chest drain or nasogastric tube).

  • ††Abdominal compartment syndrome, antiemetic given, constipation, delay in diagnosis of gastric perforation, emesis/vomiting, necrosis of digits.

  • ‡‡Abnormal cranial imaging, agitation/delirium, central nervous system bleed, delirium/agitation, neurological complication, oversedation, seizure, stroke, withdrawal symptoms.

  • §§Abnormal electrolyte levels, acute renal failure, blood glucose disorders, dehydration, fluid overload, hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia, renal dysfunction, urinary retention.

  • ¶¶Removal/injury or repair of organ, return to surgery, surgical complication.

  • ***Abnormal heart rate or blood pressure, arrhythmia, cardiac depression/compromise, cardiac rhythm derangements (eg, bradycardia, tachycardia, other arrhythmias), hypotension.

  • †††Anaemia unspecified, bleeding from feeding tube, blood transfusions, deep vein thrombosis, emboli, haemorrhage/haematoma, postoperative bleeding, thrombocytopenia.

  • ‡‡‡Pain, postoperative pain, uncontrolled pain.

  • §§§Cardiac arrest/respiratory arrest, cardiac or pulmonary arrest, or rapid response team activation, resuscitation, vital sign changes.

  • ¶¶¶Allergic reaction/hypersensitivity reaction, birth-related, blood sample redraws, care-related, complication of procedure or treatment, death, diagnostic error, fracture, other, readmission.

  • GTT, Global Trigger Tool; HMPS, Harvard Medical Practice Study; TT, Trigger Tool.