Table 2

Details of research sites and participants

Site ASite BSite C
Brief description of GP sites A, B and C (at recruitment)Urban practice c.11000 patients, in second most deprived decile*Suburban practice, c.13000 patients, in least deprived decileUrban practice, c.14000 patients in most deprived decile
Number of patients recruited from each site7107
Number of videos548
Critical moments identified131610
Number of reflexive workshops331†
Participants in the VRE workshops12139
General practitioner996
Practice nurse113
Clinical pharmacist12
Practice manager11
  • *Details from National General Practice Profiles produced by Public Health England Data Science).

  • †Only one workshop held at site C due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • GP, general practitioner; VRE, video-reflexive ethnography.