First author, publication year, country | Hospitals | Paediatric inpatients admissions, n | Inclusion period, year (months) | Type of hospital(s) | Academic level of hospital(s) | Inclusion and exclusion criteria of patients | Type of included units | Patient days, n | Age, (years) mean | LOS, (days) mean |
General care population, GTT/TT methodology | ||||||||||
Chapman 201440 GBR | Multicentre | 3992 | 2008–2011 (46) | Mixed | Mixed | LOS >24 hours | Mixed—not explicitly stated | NS | NS | NS |
Davenport 201741 ARG | Single centre | 200 | 2013 (12) | Paediatric | NS | LOS ≥48 hours, if >1 hospitalisation the most recent one was included, no psychiatric patients and not for social reasons | ICU, neonatology, general care (multipurpose unit) | 1690 | 4.4 | 8.5 |
Fajreldines 201945 ARG | Single centre | 318 | 2015–2016 (13) | Tertiary care | Academic | LOS ≥48 hours, patient s<18 years | Neonatal care, PICU, nursery, paediatric | 2257 | 3.0 | NS |
Kirkendall 201250 USA | Single centre | 240 | 2009 (12) | Paediatric | Academic | LOS ≥24 hours, any age, no psychiatric and rehabilitation patients | Mixed—not explicitly stated | 1206 | 7.8 | 5.1 |
Matlow 201254–56 CAN | Multicentre* | 3552 | 2008–2009 (12) | Mixed* | Mixed* | LOS ≥24 hours, patients <19 years, no obstetrics, or psychiatric patients and external transfers (except newborns) | Surgical, internal medicine, emergency, maternal/obstetrics, other | 14738† | 4.1†* | 4.5†* |
Paredes Esteban 2015,58 ESP | Single centre | 95 | 2014 (12) | NS | NS | Patients admitted to paediatric surgery, no patients with adverse events as the reason for admission | Surgical | 406 | 6.7 | 4.2 |
Salimath 202046 60 IND | Single centre | 520 | NS (26‡) | Acute care | Academic | LOS≥24 hours, patients≤18 years, no psychiatric and rehabilitation patients | NICU, PICU, medicine, surgical, emergency and trauma† | 2743† | NS | NS |
Shah 200951 61 USA | Single centre | 50 | NS | Paediatric | Academic | Patients admitted to the otolaryngology service | Otolaryngology | 87 | NS | NS |
Solevag, 201463 NOR | Single centre | 494‡ | 2011 (3) | Acute care | Academic | Patients <18 years | Orthopaedic, surgical, ear/nose/ throat, medicine | 2001† | 6.8† | 4.1† |
Stockwell 201566 USA | Multicentre | 600 | 2012 (1) | Paediatric | Academic | LOS between 24 hours and 6 months, patients <22 years, no rehabilitation, normal newborn nursery, day treatment, psychiatric or obstetric patients | NS | 4372 | 6.2 | 7.3 |
Stockwell 201813 67 USA | Multicentre | 3790 | 2007–2012 (72) | Mixed | Mixed | LOS ≥24 hours, patients age <18 years, no psychiatric (without a concurrent acute medical issue) or rehabilitation patients | Mixed—not explicitly stated | 21 789 | NS | 3.0§ |
Stroupe 201868 USA | Single centre | 100 | 2014 (12) | Paediatric | Academic | Admitted patients ≤18 years | General paediatric, surgery, PICU, other | 411 | 6.7 | 3.8 |
Unbeck 201414 SWE | Single centre | 600 | 2010 (12) | Acute care | Academic | LOS ≥24 hours, patient <19 years | Neonatal, surgical/orthopaedic, medicine, emergency medicine | 5559 | 4.3 | 9.3 |
General care population, HMPS methodology | ||||||||||
Brennan 199111 43 47 48 52 USA | Multicentre¶ | 6661** | 1984 (12) | Acute care | Mixed¶ | Admitted patients, no psychiatric patients | All types¶ | NS | NS | NS |
Davis 200242–44 NZL | Multicentre¶ | 1349†** | 1998 (12) | Acute care | Mixed¶ | Admitted patients, no day, psychiatric and rehabilitation-only patients | Mixed—not explicitly stated¶ | 4134‡ | 3.1† | 3.1† |
Letaief 201053 TUN | Single centre | 116‡** | 2005 (12) | Public | Academic | Admitted patients | Mixed—not explicitly stated | NS | NS | NS |
Requena 201159 ESP | Multicentre | 665 | NS (NS) | NS | Mixed | LOS >24 hours, had a clinical history in the selected hospitals | NS | 3318 | NS | NS |
Sommella 201464 ITA | Single centre | 11‡** | 2008 (12) | Acute care | NS | LOS >24 hours, no day hospital discharges | Medical, surgical, ICU¶ | NS | NS | NS |
Soop 200965 SWE | Multicentre ¶ | 159** | 2003–2004 (12) | Acute care | Mixed¶ | Admitted patients, no psychiatric, palliative care, rehabilitation, and day-only patients | Mixed—not explicitly stated¶ | NS | NS | NS |
Wilson 199512 AUS | Multicentre¶ | 2020** | 1992 (12) | Acute care | Mixed¶ | Admitted patients, no psychiatric and day-only patients | Different kind of medical and surgical† | 8697† | 4.1† | 4.3† |
Woods 200569 70 74 USA | Multicentre¶ | 3719** | 1992 (12) | Profit/non-profit, government | Mixed¶ | Admitted patients, no psychiatric, rehabilitation and drug/alcohol treatment patients | Mixed—not explicitly stated | NS | NS | NS |
Zegers, 200933 75 NLD | Multicentre¶ | 330** | 2004 (12) | Acute care | Mixed¶ | LOS of >24 hours, no psychiatric, obstetrics and <1 year patients | Mixed—explicitly stated¶ | NS | NS | NS |
Intensive care population, GTT/TT methodology†† | ||||||||||
Agarwal 201038 USA | Multicentre | 734 | 2005 (4) | Mixed | Mixed | LOS ≥48 hours, no postoperative cardiac patients | PICU | 5201 | 6.3 | 7.1 |
Barrionuevo 201039 ARG | Single centre | 484 | 2006 (12) | Public | NS | LOS >24 hours | NICU | 6465† | NS | 13.4† |
Hooper 201448 AUS | Single centre | 59 | 2011 (3) | Paediatric | Academic | Admitted patients | PICU | 164 | NS | 2.8 |
Jorro-Baron 202149 ARG | Multicentre | 1465 | 2018–2019 (11) | Public | NS | LOS ≥24 hours, patients <18 years and admitted for acute care | PICU | 15 842 | 4.6† | 10.8† |
Larsen 20078 USA | Single centre | 259 | 2002–2003 (12) | Paediatric | Academic | Admitted patients | PICU | 962† | NS | 1.6§ |
Matlow 201254–56 CAN | Multicentre* | 117 | 2008–2009 (12) | Mixed* | Mixed* | LOS ≥24 hours, patients <19 years, no obstetrics or psychiatric patients and external transfers (except newborns) | NICU, PICU | 1574† | 0.0† | 13.5† |
Maziero 202057 BRA | Multicentre | 79 | 2017–2018 (NS) | Public | NS | Admitted patients | NICU, PICU | NS | NS | NS |
Sharek 200662 USA/CAN | Multicentre | 749 | 2004–2005 (3) | Mixed | Mixed | LOS ≥48 hours | NICU | 17 106 | NS | 22.8 |
Ventura 201271 BRA | Single centre | 218 | 2009 (6) | NS | NS | LOS ≥48 hours | NICU | 2958 | NS | 13.5 |
Verlaat, 201872 NLD | Multicentre | 48 | 2006–2012 (72) | NS | NS | LOS ≥2 hours, patient <18 years, no patients with corrected age <36 weeks (GA) | PICU | 608† | 6.4 | 12.7† |
Vermeulen 201473 ZAF | Single centre | 80‡‡ | 2012 (4) | Paediatric | Academic | LOS >48 hours, patients included only once if >1 admission | PICU | 512 | NS | 4.0§ |
*Outcome for the total cohort.
†Additional data from authors.
‡Calculations are made.
¶Information for the total cohort in a study with both paediatric and adult patients, information for the paediatric cohort not reported.
**Paediatric cohort.
††Studies using the HMPS methodology did not predominantly include intensive care patients.
‡‡Retrospective cohort.
Academic, academic medical centre/university hospital; Adm, admission; GA, gestational age; GTT, Global Trigger Tool; HMPS, Harvard Medical Practice Study; ICU, Intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay; Mixed, both paediatric and adult hospital type; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; NS, not specified; PICU, paediatric intensive care unit; TT, Trigger Tool.