Table 4

Pooled estimates from meta-analyses

General care populationGeneral care populationIntensive care populationP value between populations (GTT/TT)
HMPS methodologyGTT/TT methodology
N of samplesPooled estimates (95% PI)N of samplesPooled estimates (95% PI)N of samplesPooled estimates (95% PI)
Primary outcome
 Percentage of admissions with ≥1 AEs93.9 (0.3–33.7)1317.7 (3.8–53.8)1047.3 (6.9–91.6)0.0003
Secondary outcomes
 AEs per 100 admissions1324.8 (4.2–145.2)11103.6 (15.3–699.7)< 0.0001
 AEs per 1000 patient days1248.3 (5.9–393.1)10126.2 (6.4–2495.1)0.0418
 Percentage of preventable AEs553.2 (10.4–91.8)458.6 (7.4–96.2)767.4 (4.5–98.9)0.5355
 Percentage of admissions with preventable AEs42.3 (0.0–59.3)37.3 (0.0–100.0)525.0 (2.5–81.3)0.0467
  • AEs, adverse events; GTT, Global Trigger Tool; HMPS, Harvard Medical Practice Study; PI, prediction interval; TT, Trigger Tool.