Table 1

Out-of-hours contacts in Norway 2008–2016 for patients >64 years: characteristics of the study population weighted by the number of index contacts

N=491 653 patients, 6865 physiciansContactsNot referredReferred
All (%)944 512704 566 (74.6)239 946 (26.4)
Mean age, years (SD)77.4 (8.4)77.0 (8.4)78.5 (8.4)
Male (%)404 376 (42.8)296 004 (42.0)108 372 (45.2)
Low education (%)*387 598 (41.3)285 683 (40.8)101 915 (42.7)
Immigration status (%)†39 021 (4.1)29 471 (4.2)9550 (4.0)
Charlson Comorbidity Index based on last hospital visit (>1)88 976 (9.6)60 368 (8.8)28 608 (12.2)
Previous health service use
 Unplanned admission to hospital previous month (%)90 448 (9.6)61 596 (8.8)28 852 (12.0)
 Elective contact with hospital previous month (%)193 869 (20.5)140 913 (20.0)52 956 (22.1)
 Outpatient specialist contact previous month (planned and unplanned) (%)196 695 (20.8)143 187 (20.3)53 508 (22.3)
 Primary care physician visits previous month (%)54 321 (5.8)40 276 (5.7)14 045 (5.9)
 Discharge diagnosis, last hospital contact ICD-10 Chapter I Circulatory system (%)101 565 (10.8)72 872 (10.3)28 693 (12.0)
 Discharge diagnosis, last hospital contact ICD-10 Chapter C Neoplasms (%)48 537 (5.1)34 632 (5.0)13 632 (5.7)
Referral diagnosis group from index contact
 ICPC-2 Chapter A General and Unspecified (%)163 450 (17.7)117 335 (17.1)46 115 (19.6)
 ICPC-2 Chapter D Digestive (%)91 721 (9.9)59 013 (8.6)32 708 (13.9)
 ICPC-2 Chapter K Cardiovascular (%)95 745 (10.4)49 380 (7.2)46 365 (19.8)
 ICPC-2 Chapter L Musculoskeletal (%)158 231 (17.2)108 334 (15.8)49 897 (21.3)
 ICPC-2 Chapter R Respiratory (%)154 982 (16.8)119 144 (17.3)35 838 (15.3)
Physician referral preference for male patients‡, mean (SD)0.24 (0.09)0.23 (0.09)0.27 (0.09)
Physician referral preference for female patients§, mean (SD)0.27 (0.1)0.26 (0.09)0.29 (0.09)
  • *Completed <13 years of school.

  • †Immigrants or Norwegian born to immigrant parents.

  • ‡Physician referral preference for male patient was calculated by the physician’s proportion of referred female patients (526 809 contacts).

  • §Physician referral preference for female patients was calculated by the physician’s proportion of referred male patients (395 652 contacts).

  • ICD-10, International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision.