Table 3

Respondents who reported declining a procedure among all respondents who were offered the procedure, divided into refusal respected, after which procedure was not performed, and refusal over-ruled, after which the procedure was performed

ProcedureTotal number of offered proceduresRefused a procedure, n (%)Refusal was respected, n (%)Refusal was over-ruled, n (%)
Induction of labour3422299 (8.7)277 (92.6)22 (7.4)
External cardiotocography635147 (0.7)22 (46.8)25 (53.2)
Fetal scalp electrode4373150 (3.4)98 (65.3)52 (34.7)
Vaginal examination980172 (0.7)31 (43.1)41 (56.9)
Artificial rupture of membranes5860103 (1.8)82 (79.6)21 (20.4)
Augmentation of labour2846120 (4.2)60 (50.0)60 (50.0)
Episiotomy2433168 (6.9)125 (74.4)43 (25.6)
Postpartum oxytocin administration4940193 (3.9)152 (78.8)41 (21.2)
Caesarean section during labour1301113 (8.7)100 (88.5)13 (11.5)
Prelabour caesarean section5871 (0.2)01 (100.0)