Table 3

Safety endpoints before and after intervention at the intervention site compared with control sites

Safety endpointsControl periodIntervention periodDifference95% CI
Number of critically abnormal routine laboratory test results per 100 patient-days1.271.250.02−0.15 to 0.20
Number of stat tests per 100 patient-days2224−2.00−2.70 to -1.40
Number of blood cultures per 100 patient-days9.615.6−6.00−6.47 to -5.53
Length of stay (days)15.5012.183.322.13 to 4.51
ICU hours*9.610.4−0.80−4.20 to 2.60
In-patient mortality per 100 patients7.606.900.70−0.071 to 2.10
30-day mortality per 100 patients9.009.10−0.1−1.50 to 1.50
30-day readmissions per 100 patients12.312.8−0.5−2.20 to 1.40
  • *Mean difference in hours spent on ICU for patients transferred to and from the ICU.

  • ICU, intensive care unit.