Table 4

Sustainability themes and links with the Consolidated Framework for Sustainability (CFS)

CFS constructs—bold text indicating those mapping to identified themesSustainability themes
Monitoring outcomes and regular check-inIntervention materialsStaff workloadStaff continuityOngoing communication and awareness raisingIntervention effectivenessCare home priorities
Demonstrating effectiveness ***
Monitoring progress over time **
Training and capacity building *
Evidence base for the initiative *
The problem
Project duration
Improvement methods
Project type
Belief in the initiative **
Accountability of roles and responsibilities
Defining aims and shared vision
Workload **
Complexity *
Job requirements
Stakeholder participation
Leadership and champions
Relationships and collaboration and networks *
Community participation
Staff involvement *
Ownership **
Patient involvement
General resources **
Funding *
Resource—staff **
Resource—time **
Integration with existing programmes and policies *
Intervention adaptation and receptivity
Organisational values and culture *
Organisational readiness and capacity
Support available
Socioeconomic and political considerations
Awareness and raising the profile **
Spread to other organisations *
  • *Cells with links.