KCoIToC component | Measures associated with KCoIToC components (SEIPS work system elements involved (people, tasks, tools, environments)) | SEIPS framework measured/timing (lagging, leading, real time) | Potential for real time using digital health systems |
Discharge planning | Enrolment into clinic/outpatient appointment made60 84 87 Tasks: booking appointment, documenting appointment | Work system/leading | Documentation and alert.* |
Access obtained for home injections of high-risk medication87 People: patient, staff Task: performing cannulation Tool: cannulation equipment | Outcome/lagging | Documentation and alert. | |
Medication availability confirmed76 87 People: patient and/or carer, staff Task: determining medication availability Tools: medication, telephone, computer | Process/leading | Documentation and alert. | |
Percentage of inadequate warfarin follow-up arrangements63 People: patient and healthcare professional Tasks: identify follow-up requirements, arrange follow-up Tools: digital health system, telephone, computer, diary | Process/lagging | † | |
Complete communication of information | Documented inpatient-to-outpatient provider contact60 People: healthcare professionals Task: documentation Tool: form of communication (paper or electronic) | Process/lagging | Documentation and alert. |
Documented inpatient-to-anticoagulation clinic communication60 People: healthcare professionals Task: documentation Tool: form of communication (paper or electronic) | Process/lagging | Documentation and alert. | |
Information in discharge letter70 80 82 87 People: healthcare professionals Task: documentation Tool: form of communication (paper or electronic) | Process/lagging | Documentation and alert. | |
Availability, timeliness, clarity and organisation of information | Baseline laboratory information available87 People: patient, staff, laboratory staff Tasks: request, take, analyse and report blood test Tools: blood test result (electronic or paper report), patient record | Process/lagging | Alert if baseline blood test results are not available when prescription written. |
Medication safety | Adverse events (hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia, venous thromboembolism, readmissions, death, cardiovascular events)49 57–62 64–66 69 70 72–80 82–84 86–88 | Outcome/lagging | Some, for example, abnormal blood tests. |
Medications managed according to protocol71 72 74 87 People: patient, prescriber, pharmacy Task: prescribing Tools: medication, prescription, protocol | Process/lagging | † | |
Medication discrepancies, errors or issues identified63 69 75 76 80–83 85 87 People: patient, prescriber, healthcare professional reviewing medications Task: medication review Tools: medications, references (eg, medication information leaflets, reference books) | Process/lagging and real time | Documentation with targeted alert to prompt review. | |
Rate of recommendations agreed63 75 People: patient, staff (recommendation maker and prescriber) Tasks: prescribing, documentation | Process/lagging | † | |
Medication safety recommendations made71 75 People: patient, staff (recommendation maker and prescriber) Tasks: prescribing, documentation | Process/lagging | Documentation and alert. | |
Impact of interventions to optimise medications48 68 81 | Outcome/lagging | † | |
Educating patients to promote self-management | Measures of adherence64 69 72 74 84 86 People: patient (and caregiver) Task: taking medication Tools: medication, packaging, compliance aids (eg, tablet cutters) | Process/leading | Through patient-owned digital method, for example, access to their electronic health record or smartphone application. |
Patient satisfaction56 64 69 72 77 83 | Outcome/lagging for patient Leading for organisation | ||
Provision of education and counselling71 82 87 People: patient, healthcare professional Task: providing education Tools: information leaflets, medication charts | Process/leading | Partially—tasks (eg, education) can be documented and highlighted if outstanding. | |
Assessment of patient knowledge, understanding and beliefs56 72 78 81 84 People: patient, assessor Task: assessment of knowledge Tool: assessment template/quiz | Process/leading | † | |
Enlisting social and community supports | |||
Advance care planning | |||
Coordinating care among team members | Percentage of patients with pharmacist coordination documented59 People: patient, pharmacist, multidisciplinary team Tasks: ‘co-ordination’ tasks, documentation Tool: patient records | Process/lagging | Documentation and alert. |
Pharmacist time per patient59 87 | Outcome/lagging | † | |
Cost of intervention88 | Outcome/lagging | † | |
Clinician satisfaction67 | Outcome/lagging | † | |
Monitoring and managing symptoms after transfer | Time in therapeutic range49 57 61 65 66 70 73 77 78 83 86 | Outcome/lagging and real time | Viewed within patient record. |
Time outside therapeutic range78 | Outcome/lagging | † | |
Time to reach therapeutic range67 73 | Outcome/lagging | † | |
Therapeutic drug monitoring performed87 People: patient, staff, laboratory staff Tasks: request, take, analyse, report blood test Tools: blood test equipment, laboratory equipment to analyse, blood test result (electronic or paper report) | Process/lagging | Documentation and alert. | |
Percentage of international normalised ratio taken within 10 days of transfer of care67 People: patient, staff, laboratory staff Tasks: request, take, analyse, report blood test Tools: blood test equipment, laboratory equipment to analyse, blood test result (electronic or paper report) | Process/lagging | Documentation and alert. | |
Outpatient follow-up | Clinic appointment attendance64 66 67 People: patient, staff Tasks: book, communicate and attend appointment | Process/lagging | Documentation and alert. |
Time to follow-up60 64 71 83 | Outcome/lagging | † |
*Documentation of a specific task with an associated alert targeted to relevant staff prompting action if that task remains outstanding.
†Not applicable.
KCoIToC, Key Components of an Ideal Transfer of Care; SEIPS, Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety.